A few questions out of the way (edited from my first blog post):

Longtime blog reader, first time blogger here. So let me get the obvious questions out of the way:

1. What is your blog about?

Hmm, that’s a good question. I originally wanted this to be a blog about food, but I have so many other opinions on so many other subjects that I changed my mind and decided to make this a blog about my views on culture, food, sports etc.

So basically, this is a blog about me. If you don’t find that very interesting, I would encourage you to go read something more worthwhile.

2. Who are you?

Still need more info? Keep reading.

3. Why did you call it “That’s butter?” Are you a raw butter-eater or something?

So I’m on this canoe trip with a few friends of mine last week and they start using this phrase “that’s butter” in place of “Cool!” or “Awesome!” or “I really like it a lot!” It just seemed to be a natural fit into a food blog about my corner of the world.

No, I don’t like to eat plain ol’ butter by itself.

Also, a tiny part of me hopes that “that’s butter” actually catches on in American pop culture and I can appear to be a lingo innovator (even though I actually stole this from someone else). I’m sure that soon I’ll make the claim that I came up with this catchy phrase on my own. It worked for Al Gore, right?

So there you have it, folks.

Name: Matt

Hometown: St. James, Missouri

Cooking, growing pumpkins, oil painting, watching the Cubs on WGN, soon-to-be MBA student

Travel, languages, Chicago Cubs, painting, cooking, Italian food, language and culture, avid blog reader, media trends

Favorite Music:
Bluegrass covers of metal bands, Nickel Creek, Counting Crows

Favorite TV Shows:
The Office, Heroes, Scrubs, Good Eats, Miami Ink, Sports Center

Favorite Movies:
Braveheart, Io Non Ho Paura (I’m Not Scared), Nacho Libre (unapologetically), Napoleon Dynamite, Stranger than Fiction

Favorite Books:

The Harry Potter series, Blue Like Jazz, The Broker, The Joy of Cooking, the Gospel of John

Favorite Quotes:

“Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.”

“All I ever wanted in life was an unfair advantage.”

“When you are a man, sometimes you wear stretchy pants. In your room. For fun.”

About Me:
Politically moderate (when I’m political at all), lived in Italy for two years after college (hence the Italian listing in “Interests”), have traveled to over 20 countries, have worked in marketing and public relations for most of my career consider myself a Christ-follower (at least I’m trying to be)

Now, I’m an IT communications professional. That basically means I interpret stuff for the techies and geeks.

Contact me: mattshaner AT Gmail dot com

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